🎶 Super Mario’s Boots are now made for walking and that's just what they'll do.
🤝 One United School
One United Properties va dona un spațiu de 1390 de mp în clădirea de birouri One Cotroceni Park pentru elevii școlii gimnaziale I.G. Duca.
Aceștia s-ar putea muta din toamnă în One Cotroceni Park pe o perioadă de doi ani, timp în care școala, fiind în clasa II de risc seismic, va fi consolidată și modernizată.
Suma totală este de 850k euro, 500.000 economisită de școală, 350.000 investită de One în clădirea școlii.
„Suntem în discuţii să mutăm elevii şcolii I.G. Duca în proiectul One Cotroceni Park, dar momentan mai sunt elemente procedurale care trebuie parcurse pentru ca acest lucru să se întâmple“. - Andrei Diaconescu, co-fondator One United Properties.
🔀 Relația dintre agențiile de comms ale TikTok, Huawei și alte companii de tech din China la nivel global.
China se bazează într-o oarecare măsură și pe know-how-ul din Occident, mai ales din punct de vedere tehnologic, mai ales militar:
Un TikTok nevinovat filmat pe un portavion american plin de tehnică militară de ultimă generație sau mai veche poate deveni o sursă de informații pentru experții guvernului chinez.
Add location tracking.
Data is the new oil
Lumea din ziua de astăzi este din ce în ce mai interconectată prin intermediul rețelelor de socializare și dispozitive:
Războaiele se poartă acum și online, prin propagandă (content) și cu ajutorul hackerilor care pot pune la pământ orice instituție din lume.
Comunicarea pentru astfel de brands
O agenție de PR, mai mult de parteneriate, campanii de influencer marketing și invitații la evenimente de lansare, nu prea are ce să facă.
Dacă și vinde ceva smartphones, bun.
Relația lor este de tip “friends with benefits”: brandul plătește, agenția execută.
🔥 Financial Times: TikTok, Meta moderators join forces for better working conditions. https://lnkd.in/dYdra_9e
🌎 Buzzfeed: Cartelurile de droguri din Mexic recrutează oameni de pe Twitter. https://lnkd.in/dWeJ_Yjz
♻️ Fast Company: What is ‘green hushing’? The new negative sustainability trend, explained. https://lnkd.in/dGFbNHXr
🫣 Tubefilter: TikTok is preparing to launch search ads. https://lnkd.in/dGW_EYvt
🍨 Fast Company: Ranch-flavored ice cream is coming—and it will soon be all over TikTok. https://lnkd.in/ddb33rF5
⚽️ The Guardian: Gary Lineker faces dilemma | toe the BBC line or be a social media influencer. https://lnkd.in/dbE7ayfF
📶 The Hustle: Big Tech reins in the perks. https://lnkd.in/duyRztHR
📑 Marketing Brew: Why brand publishing seems to be having a moment. https://lnkd.in/dD6qGsn6
🤨 Patently Apple: Apple Invents ways to control Volume on AirPods with Head Movements, Poses. https://lnkd.in/d3NCaswa
⁉️ Bloomberg: Spotify Asks What Would Happen if Artists Controlled TikTok. https://lnkd.in/dm7PQr-s
😅 Digiday: When social media platforms start to look alike, the key differentiator is in their roots. https://lnkd.in/dwiMydMc
🗒️ Digiday: IAB PlayFronts 2023 recap | In adland, the pace of change can be glacial. https://lnkd.in/gnjNTPk7
💵 9to5mac: Apple expands new App Store price points for all types of purchases. https://lnkd.in/d35i6tZq
🤝 Social Media Today: TikTok Partners with Dentsu on New Campaign Performance Tracking Solution. https://lnkd.in/es2URwp2
📱 Android Police: WhatsApp finally pushes new Unicode 15.0 emoji to beta testers. https://lnkd.in/dBjBbCft
😶🌫️ Digital & Well-being
•Financial Times: Is WhatsApp making work life more nasty and brutish? https://lnkd.in/dVAaJ95q
•Buzzfeed: TikTok’s “Teenage Filter” Is Making Older People Reflect On Their Youth. https://lnkd.in/dTFbHuvs
•Digiday: As Gen Z embraces de-influencing on TikTok, marketers and influencers need to be much more transparent and authentic. https://lnkd.in/dpPxj8dw
•Digiday: Publishers move past seeing social media platforms as traffic drivers. https://lnkd.in/ezipacVw
•Daily Dot: Surveilled and exploited by intrusive technology, workers across India are rising up together. https://lnkd.in/dF4Jy36C
•Rest of the World: Preventing deadly elephant attacks with a new app. https://lnkd.in/eZx6vbB2
•CNET: Take Instagram Off of Your Phone and Thank Me Later. https://lnkd.in/dASi74v3
•Rolling Stone: How Kevin Hart Reaction Memes Took Over the Internet. https://lnkd.in/dmDJ8aZM
🤳 Content and Creators
•BBC: Can VR influencers save the metaverse? https://lnkd.in/dcvZZwPR
•Forbes: YouTube Creators Say Video Revenue Down Up To 90%. https://lnkd.in/dGHhR4VM
•Ars Tehnica: YouTuber must pay $40K in attorneys’ fees for daft “reverse censorship” suit. https://lnkd.in/d_9h9Gwq
•The Guardian: KSI, Logan Paul, Salt Papi | the influencers redefining boxing for the TikTok generation. https://lnkd.in/dfsUr-57
•Entrepreneur: TikTok Influencer Reveals She Makes $350,000 a Month on OnlyFans. https://lnkd.in/etwsXBP3
•Tubefilter: The Miley Cyrus hit ‘Flowers’ is in nearly 600k Shorts, but its impact spans all YouTube formats. https://lnkd.in/d7eWwzs4
📵 The TikTok Ban Show
•Semafor: The Endgame for TikTok. https://lnkd.in/dnRV7E7Q
•The Washington Post: A former TikTok employee is secretly fighting the company on Capitol Hill. https://lnkd.in/g4Y7RUFB
•Billboard: Triller Sees Opportunity As Congress Presses Its Foreign Competition. https://lnkd.in/d5mMVvAV
📊 Data Dives
•EY România: Cele mai folosite beneficii extrasalariale. https://lnkd.in/dvafHw9Z
•Social Media Today: Meta Releases New Dataset to Help AI Researchers Maximize Inclusion and Diversity in their Projects. https://lnkd.in/egWpT6Qm
•Freedom House: Marking 50 Years in the Struggle for Democracy. https://lnkd.in/dKzcCh_C
⚙️ Social Media Features
[Instagram] testează un nou layout pentru postări.
[Meta Verified]: Ce poți schimba și ce nu la profil.
[Instagram] testează o nouă interfață pentru opțiunea „Notes”.
[Instagram] va permite trecerea de la un mesaj la un call audio.
[Facebook] testează o nouă poziție pentru afișarea descrierii.
[WhatsApp] a lansat o nouă opțiune în RO, “Approve New Participants” (groups).
[Instagram] testează un nou design pentru secțiunea „Comments”.
[Instagram] testează un nou mod de a adăuga un story la alt story.
[Facebook] renunță la opțiunea „Paid Live Events” din 8 mai a.c.
[WhatsApp Business] testează o nouă opțiunea, „Boost Message”.
[WhatsApp] permite selectarea mai multor chats pe desktop.
💠 AI News
•Semafor: Should we be polite to ChatGPT? https://lnkd.in/ds6yTMqC
•The Hollywood Reporter: Using ChatGPT to Rewrite ‘Game of Thrones’? OpenAI Co-Founder Says “That Is What Entertainment Will Look Like”. https://lnkd.in/dUVVh_7W
•Vice: People Used Facebook's Leaked AI to Create a 'Based' Chatbot that Says the N-Word. https://lnkd.in/dd4QHdrH
•Ars Tehnica: Has the generative AI pricing collapse already started? https://lnkd.in/dpzGPFxG
•Fast Company: ChatGPT is the new 'Intel Inside'. https://lnkd.in/diDrtCkX
•Semafor: GM wants to bring ChatGPT-like assistant to drivers. https://lnkd.in/dB4Z7_rD
•Tom’s Guide: Bing with ChatGPT tipped for a massive upgrade — GPT-4 is coming with video. https://lnkd.in/dUk_KBzN
•Tech Radar: ChatGPT touches down on smartwatches. https://lnkd.in/gATH_79R
•The Verge: The semiautomated social network is coming. https://lnkd.in/gVBUyyr3
•Bloomberg: A Cheat Sheet to AI Buzzwords and Their Meanings. https://lnkd.in/d4KkpAz7
🍿 Movies, Media
•Bloomberg: New HBO Max to Offer Thousands of Extra Shows at No Added Cost. https://lnkd.in/dZkcsXY2
•The Hollywood Reporter: Billboard Advertising, Including FYC Ads, “Took Off Like a Rocket Ship” in 2022. https://lnkd.in/dBgUizYg
•CNBC: EU telcos ramp up pressure on Big Tech to pay for the internet. https://lnkd.in/gcbrBwcm
•Media Play News: Netflix Dominates Demand for Streaming Originals, While Disney Owns the Most. https://lnkd.in/df4SE8ad
•Billboard: Shakira Breaks 14 Guinness World Records With Her Bizarrap-Produced ‘Music Sessions Vol. 53’. https://lnkd.in/dA2aX7tD
🐦 Twitter News
•Wired: Twitter’s $42,000-per-Month API Prices Out Nearly Everyone. https://lnkd.in/ep32MFuD
•CNN: As Twitter failures go from bad to worse, users wonder how long it can stay online. https://lnkd.in/guw-Rj_U
🌒 WHAT The Samsung?
🥾 Super Mario’s Boots
Create de Red Wing Shoes, ar nu sunt disponibile către publicul larg.
🥁 The Drum | World Creative Rankings | Chief Creative Officers
Sunt prezenți și doi publicitari români:
Adrian Boțan, Chief Creative Officer Europe, McCann Worldgroup (13).
Mihnea Gheorghiu, Chief Creative Officer, Publicis Italy (10).