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🪦RIP Google Podcasts (2018 - 202x)
YouTube și YouTube Music vor deveni noi platforme dedicate acestui tip de content:
Vom avea parte de audio ads.
YouTube Music va îngloba și permite redarea podcasturilor în format audio / video chiar și cu ecranul blocat, respectiv fără abonament plătit.
Podcasturile vor putea fi încărcate și via RSS.
Canalele de YouTube vor avea o secțiune dedicată podcasturilor, așa cum au acum YT Shorts.
Comment 1
Cu excepția goo.gl, care a fost aur pur și o concurență serioasă pentru bit.ly, nu înțeleg strategia de product marketing a Alphabet prin care investești resurse - bani, oameni, timp - într-o platformă doar pentru a încerca să-ți faci loc și pe alte nișe unde alții - Apple, Spotify+Anchor și YouTube (sic) - sunt deja „top of mind” pentru users.
Organic, dincolo de Search, Maps, și GMail, YouTube este cel mai bun produs pe care GG l-a scos pe piață și, dacă mă întrebați pe mine, trebuia să fie de ceva vreme cu opțiunile menționate mai sus + strategia de search pe TikTok o abordează acum per clip, dar și în aplicație, prin secțiune dedicată.
Comment 2
Se pare că Google Podcasts va rămâne, dar mă cam îndoiesc că va face vreo diferență fără nicio opțiune nouă.
Din nou, logica mea fiind „De ce să ocupi spațiu și să consumi energie cu două chestii asemănătoare din moment ce ai una care merge foarte bine?”.
📌 Snacks
Joseph R. Biden, primul președinte american care vizitează o zonă de război fără ca SUA să fie implicată activ. [TIKTOKS]
Spania chiar este prietenoasă cu nomazii digitali. [FAMILY]
40 Google Docs shortcuts. [HACKS]
„One movie franchise to rule them all”. [GUESS]
The Last of Us. [MEME]
VC funding de la Web3 la AI. [START-UPS]
6.8M de scanări în 2022 la nivel global. [QR CODES]
Google a mai găsit o soluție pentru a reduce costurile. [HR]
Ce nu să faci cu ChatGPT. [PR STORM]
🔥 The Wall Street Journal: ‘A Collage of Exes’: Phone’s Photos Memories Hit a Nerve. https://lnkd.in/dAQTkdnw
📲 Facebook are un nou tip de audiență, “Early access for top fans” (Professional Mode). https://lnkd.in/dxRXQ4AF
🌀 Patently Apple: Apple Won Patent for a Possible Device that Supports Expandable Display. https://lnkd.in/ddtaASFE
🎯 Reuters: EU eyes Big Tech as it seeks feedback on who should pay network costs. https://lnkd.in/gJS5-zpa
📝 Fast Company: Activists are using online reviews in Russia to protest the Ukraine invasion. https://lnkd.in/eAcac5WK
✅ Press Gazette: Setting up a paywall in UK local news, with Edward McCann of the Belfast Telegraph. https://lnkd.in/dTqzyZBS
🔴 Digiday: How agencies are testing live shopping and seeing potential in accelerating conversions. https://lnkd.in/d_-HiyfH
🤔 Bloomberg: Why Meta Is copying Twitter. https://lnkd.in/diBHQNKC
🪙 CryptoSlate: Some Twitter users can now buy Twitter Coins via Stripe. https://lnkd.in/dbWGA8fK
🥷 The Washington Post: Could Musk's cuts open Twitter to lawsuits over terrorist content? https://lnkd.in/dbWGA8fK
📑 Patent Drop: Meta filed a patent for tech to predict the quality of a video before it’s published. https://lnkd.in/dDFBchaK
2️⃣ Men’s Health: Kylie Jenner Dethroned as IG's Most Followed Woman by Selena Gomez. https://lnkd.in/df3cTJTT
☺️ Hope and Homes for Children România au alocat €1.8M pentru sprijinirea refugiaților ucraineni ajunși în România.
🌍 Gun Media vrea să se extindă în Franța și Marea Britanie.
💸 Media Play News: Netflix Cuts Subscription Prices Across 30 Territories Worldwide. https://lnkd.in/d-_T2sxH
😅 The Verge: Microsoft has been secretly testing its Bing chatbot ‘Sydney’ for years. https://lnkd.in/dwc5nU_n
🧟 The Hustle: It’s game time for a horror giant. https://lnkd.in/dc2aNw4w
📸 Forbes: Russia Floods YouTube With RT Videos. https://lnkd.in/dd8YX4nf
💰 Digg: The Cost Of Retirement Around The World, Mapped. https://lnkd.in/diup-u6G
🤷♂️ Adweek: Nepo Babies Wear Milk Mustaches in New Campaign for Plant-Based Brand Silk. https://lnkd.in/dtxnYcfH
💠 Semafor: ChatGPT shows the U.S. government needs to step up on AI. https://lnkd.in/dbCJNnTW
😍 9to5mac: First look at the special edition color for iPhone 15 Pro. https://lnkd.in/dNWBeu2d
🫡 CNN: Vanderbilt University apologizes for using ChatGPT to write mass-shooting email. https://lnkd.in/dpSzQMNG
🫣 The Wall Street Journal: TikTok Is Now Banned on European Commission Staff Work Devices. https://lnkd.in/dNkVfb9s
💠 Polygon: TikTok videos are using AI tools to turn Biden, Trump, and Obama into Discord goblins. https://lnkd.in/dnR2rS2j
🔥 The Washington Post: Facebook’s shakedown: Charging you $12 just to protect your account. https://lnkd.in/dkiMB_WQ
📚 Jonathan Haidt: Social Media is a Major Cause of the Mental Illness Epidemic in Teen Girls. https://lnkd.in/dZekV-e5
⏹️ Mashable: Why have some people stopped using BeReal? https://lnkd.in/d2JsnEhn
👀 Reuters: Bankman-Fried faces new criminal charges, is accused of hiding political donations. https://lnkd.in/derngVMn
👾 Tech Radar: YouTube and Facebook accounts are being hit by dangerous new malware. https://lnkd.in/d-A-q_KK
😅 Reuters: Canadian privacy regulators launch joint investigation into TikTok. https://lnkd.in/d4YjfNue
🗓️ Semafor: A year into the "first war of the internet". https://lnkd.in/dhWTjdW5
📜 TorrentFreak: ‘Time for U.S. Lawmakers to Discuss Pirate Site Blocking’. https://lnkd.in/d8Qg3mYZ
👨🏿⚖️ Bloomberg: DOJ Preps Antitrust Suit to Block Adobe’s $20 Billion Figma Deal. https://lnkd.in/dD3afSat
📡 Reuters: EU riles Big Tech with telecoms network costs consultation. https://lnkd.in/gJS5-zpa
⭕️ Salon: Against the bait and switch censorship of Roald Dahl. https://lnkd.in/dcpzH5tm
🤚 Wired: The Push to Ban TikTok in the US Isn’t About Privacy. https://lnkd.in/dX-N2T-z
🏈 Marketing Brew: Streamer ads performed well during the Super Bowl. https://lnkd.in/dQ2Vafiq
😍 Social Media Today: LinkedIn Adds New Visual Display Elements on User Profiles, Scheduling Tools for Newsletters. https://lnkd.in/dkK6FrJJ
📈 Billboard: Rihanna Goes Global, Soaring in Worldwide Streams After Super Bowl Set. https://lnkd.in/d8-FJP5g
📑 Techcrunch: Report details how Big Tech is leaning on EU not to regulate general purpose AIs. https://lnkd.in/dEBT9Tg7
🕹️ The Verge: Valve bans 40,000 accounts after laying a trap for cheaters in Dota 2. https://lnkd.in/ePfCKG-y
🎫 Bloomberg: Live Nation Proposes Concert Reforms After Taylor Swift Fiasco. https://lnkd.in/dBNAMS6D
💥 Daily Dot: Meta Verified sparks debate among creators, comparing to the controversial launch of Twitter Blue. https://lnkd.in/dFxUYeMp
📊 Industry Insights
•Morning Consult: 14% of GenZ adults in U.S. use TikTok to research major news events. https://lnkd.in/ewasAmvk
•Hubspot: Which Social Media Channels are Gaining and Losing Steam? https://lnkd.in/dsG9qc5i
•Digital Native: 50% of Americans Under 25 Have Completed a Purchase on Social Media. https://lnkd.in/dKPtAQB7
•Matter: 81% of consumers embraced influencer marketing in the past year. https://lnkd.in/e6GmFNYD
👤Meta News
•Meta: How We’re Improving Facebook’s Penalty System. https://lnkd.in/diVvWD3P
•Meta: Integrity and Transparency Reports, Fourth Quarter 2022. https://lnkd.in/dhA-hrMK
•Gizmodo: Facebook Whistleblower Aims at a New Target: Meta’s Would-Be Investors. https://lnkd.in/dbe_hzD3
•Wired: Facebook Is Still Letting Russia Interfere in Politics. https://lnkd.in/df_72heq
⚙️ Social Media Features
[Instagram] va lansa o nouă opțiune pentru Notes, „Music”.
[Clubhouse] a lansat o nouă opțiune, „Mutuals”.
[Twitter] a lansat un nou landing page pentru Twitter Blue (not).
[TikTok] testează o nouă opțiune pentru clips, „Run a Copyright Check”.
[Twitter] afișează acum prețul acțiuni pe bursă în secțiunea „Search”.
[LinkedIn] va permite prioritizarea afișării tipurilor de content pe profil.
[TikTok] permite acum crearea a două sau mai multe „BeReal”-uri.
[Instagram] lets creators request inactive usernames in the app.
[Snapchat] a lansat o nouă opțiune, „Audio recommendations”.
[Spotify testează o nouă opțiune, „token-enabled playlists”.
[YouTube] a lansat și în Ro opțiune de a asculta un clip în mai multe limbi (dubbing).
[Twitch] a lansat un hub prin care streamerii pot afla ce opțiuni sunt testate.
[Google] a lansat noi opțiuni pentru Docs, printre care și „Calendar template”.
🍿Movies, Media & Streaming
•The Hollywood Reporter: How Much Is That Film Worth? Buyers Don’t Have Great Comparisons Now. https://lnkd.in/gbDG4dzJ
•Tubefilter: Starbucks just sponsored one hour of stream time on Harry Mack’s Twitch channel. https://lnkd.in/d66xJA3w
•Billboard: Rihanna Goes Global, Soaring in Worldwide Streams After Super Bowl Set. https://lnkd.in/d8-FJP5g
•The Hollywood Reporter: Warner Bros. Discovery Posts $217M Streaming Loss, Hits 96M Subscribers. https://lnkd.in/dh3sjV_c
•Marketing Brew: To support diversity on TV, media orgs are looking to develop more metrics. https://lnkd.in/ddT6uJac
•Marketing Brew: Streamer ads performed well during the Super Bowl, research says. https://lnkd.in/dQ2Vafiq
•Emisiunea-concurs “Ce spun românii” revine din 6 martie, în fiecare zi, de la ora 18.00, tot pe PRO•TV.
🐦 Twitter News
•Rolling Stone: Elon Musk’s Twitter Goes Dark on Government Data Grabs. https://lnkd.in/dy8MdrAC
•NBC News: Supreme Court skeptical that Twitter bears responsibility for terrorist attack. https://lnkd.in/d8ddcifr
•The Verge: Twitter has removed captions from Spaces on iOS, and they don’t work on the web or Android. https://lnkd.in/dr9EiuuH
Artifact este o aplicație fondată de Kevin Systrom (ex-CEO Instagram) și Mike Krieger (ex-CTO Instagram) care-ți livrează știrile cu ajutorul AI.
🏀 Wilson Airless Basket Ball
Deja folosită în concursul de slam dunks. NBA All Stars 2023 (link).
Mai jos este clipul de prezentare, iar aici „behind-the-tech-scenes”.
🚀 Global Startup Index
Printre criterii: populația, salariul mediu lunar, PIB-ul, cost of living.